Monday, January 17, 2011


I am nothing but ordinary. I am an ordinary human being living in this extraordinary world. I love my life for it is comparable to a wheel.  In life, gravity plays a vital role. 
"What goes around, comes around. What goes up, must come down" I have my rules but challenged to break them slowly. Life is what we make it. I am the author of my own happiness"
This leads to Aristotle's notion of happiness to also include, not only the rational disposition to choose the mean, but also the disposition to choose that mean in accord with practical wisdom, reserved for those who are enlightened by having consistently lived the contemplative life. The contemplative life is one devoted to the highest objects of knowledge (for Aristotle this is ultimately a theological notion, but one which ought not to be confused with any christian conception of God). 

A flourishing life--a happy life--is one which consists of numerous requirements having been fulfilled to some degree. These include those things which preserve and maintain physical well-being such as, a certain level of material well-being, health, sexual satisfaction, good familial and friendship bonds, and a comely appearance. Additionally, certain intellectual and moral needs ought to be met as well. And it is a well ordered and just state and community which preserves the freedom to have such a life. 

Thus eudaimonia--happiness--for Aristotle is an inclusive notion consisting of life in accord with intellectual and moral virtues, rational contemplation, and securing certain physical needs, such that one is flourishing.

seliramsollar  ^_^