Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Day 1: The Reality of Abundance

When you set your intention for the next 21 days also place your intention (in thought or aloud) on the abundance of time, of joy, good health, prosperity and abundance of inner strength & virtues. Also call forth your vital force and your breath. Set the intention that you will be able to complete this challenge for the entire 21 days. Not only the meditations but all of the exercises in whatever form they take. Make sure you’re giving yourself enough focused time, in a quiet, peaceful space to listen to the mediation. It takes more or less 15 minutes each day.

Make a list of 50 people who have influenced your life, in a small or big way. It could be one word, a book, a teaching. Dive through your life and bring those people in. Write the name of the person/people who touched you and the circumstance.

Ride the wave and trust in the collective consciousness that everything is exactly as it should be.