Monday, December 31, 2018

♥ Thank you 2018 ♥

Year 2018 has been one of the colorful years in my life.
I am in awe of the creator of the universe, our generous and merciful God. 
My heart is grateful for the lessons and opportunities that He had bestowed upon me this year.

Three more hours to go before I ring the new year with my Mushet and Pinto Family. 

May the new year bring all the good things in my life that I deserve. 
May peace, love and prosperity follow me always. 
May the 12 months of the New Year be full of new achievements for me. 
May the days be filled with eternal happiness for me and my family.

God bless us all!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

I'm back!

Hello there! I was a little too much caught up with other things in life so I was not able to get time to blog. Whoa! A lot of amazing things happened to me. I dedicated my life taking care of my son, my family and enjoyed being a working Mom! 

My son Michael is now 4 years old. Active, smart and wacky. 
He goes to pre-K four days a week since two and a half years old. He loves to sing , dance, play sports, read bedtime stories and a lot more! ☺

I personally grew deeply spiritually. Jesus loves me, yes I know coz the Bible tells me so. =) I did a lot of traveling, snapped millions of pictures, treasured tons of precious memories with family and friends. I finally passed my nursing licensure exam and I've been working as bedside care nurse for almost three years now. I feel so blessed in so many ways and I am always grateful to God for every little thing that he has blessed me with. I am super active in social media- Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and SnapChat. Feel free to follow me.♥

Love this filter from SnapChat☺

It seemed like made a lot of changes here. For some reason, the old photos or attachments were missing from my old blog posts. Adding to the technology and science I will work to make this blog more personal with time. So this was just a random post to tell that I am back, so you will here from me soon with the next blog post.♥
Now I have decided to make this big come back in blogging and I am super thrilled. ☺

This time the blogging will be done a little differently and I will try to cover more cool things, presenting my personal view on the things that I know and come across in my daily life.  

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Monday, October 8, 2012

Miggy’s Smile

 "Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.” ❤

Friday, October 5, 2012

New hair. Don’t care :)

  I got a haircut today. My natural wavy hair is back. Goodbye to my straight & super long hair. ❤